Monday, July 12, 2010

"The Financial Wreckage Littering Our World Is The Creation, Almost Exclusively, of Men" -TIME MAGAZINE

‎"It is rarely noted that the financial wreckage littering our world is the creation, almost exclusively, of men, not women" - TIME MAGAZINE

Saying that women, i.e. our competitors and adversaries are not responsible for financial decisions is to treat this separate socio-political\socio-economic class as if they are children... We must remember that it is women after all that took out the vast majority of sub prime loans which caused the system to collapse.

Women hate to take risks and sub primes obscured the reality that women were getting us into.

We must remember that women hold the majority of debt obligations and make around 70-80% of all consumer purchases. Women have an insatiable appetite for material resources. Given the opportunity they will direct resources or the means of enfranchisement to procure resources away from others and toward themselves. Women actually create legislation that puts them first before all others.

Given unfettered access to the public treasury women will pamper, provide and protect themselves to our demise. There is no limit to the entitlements women demand and are willing to accept from men or government. Women see themselves as inherently worthy of resources, in fact they demand them from men and government in their private and public lives. They see themselves as inherently valuable. Imagine for a moment the character that would become an individual if their ability to manipulate and illicit others to provide to them was a primary and viable means of survival.

Independence is a foreign word for women. They can not and will not stop depending on men and government to put them on a pedestal. We must remember that they will always look to men and government to be dependent on. We must remember that female representation in government is rife with gynocentric consummation.

Freedom is a foreign word to women as it is the result of Independence and Liberty which women are incapable of pursuing on their own. Men are born with the necessity to hold these values because we are the only sex that ends up sleeping under a bridge if we do not.

Unlike women, men do not create special laws and "men first" policies to the exclusion of women. I think deep down women know that in order to compete against men they MUST exclude men from the competition altogether or illicit some type of provisional or protective response from men or government. However, this will not stop them from demanding resources from men in their personal lives.

Women have been remarkably successful when exercising their agency in government and in all realms of public, economic, social and family policy. They are quick to play the victim and call for male or government aid when it suits them.

They are actually using the weak moments of our nation against us, against men particularly. Their leaders are attempting to add more "women first" provisions into the House Financial Reform Bill. See: Subtitle I, Section 1801 of this bill. We are speaking of a creature who already devoted the Stimulus Package to herself.

We know that this is the way women think. Given direct access to the public treasury they will always take for themselves to the exclusion of men. They do this in all emergencies. In a physical emergency women see themselves as more valuable. They will actually see to it that men die so that they may live. When the ship is sinking it is women who shriek the loudest to be saved above and before all others.

They have done no different during these dire times and they do no different in the practice of their political ethos. We must remember that a woman's life is for herself, her "responsibilities" and "obligations" are what women call "choices." Remember, it is the responsibility and obligations of others that create women's "choices".

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -=Benjamin Franklin=--

You see, it is men who speak as Franklin did. It is men who hold the beliefs in our founding values. Can you imagine a woman saying the above? Women love security and will trade Independence, Liberty and Freedom of others and then themselves to achieve it. Women would have never forged the foundation our nation was built on.

You see, women are not so kind, not so protective or provisional to men. Women are more so a liability. Given proper agency women will actually consume male agency, not enable it.

We must remember that women do not and have never created sovereign territories and resources we call countries, men do. We must remember that women will not be so kind to us. We must remember that Women are incapable of devoting resources to males at all. We must remember females are ENTIRELY CONSUMMATE when it comes to material provision.

It would be quite foolish to believe females will ever give men the choices they have given themselves. It would be quite foolish to continue the gender war as women have. Do not think for a second women are as kind to men. Do not think for a second that women could build a strong and prosperous nation in regard to productive capacity and incentive to produce. Given the ultimatum women WILL ALWAYS turn to the aid of men and government rather than produce for themselves. They do so because they can.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them" -=President Thomas Jefferson=-

You see, it is men who speak like Jefferson did. It is men who hold beliefs in our founding values. Women on the other hand not only seek to be taken care of, they seek to be taken care of first, above, before and to the exclusion of others. They simply feel entitled to this, it is their nature. They are incapable of caring for themselves. If a man has made the grave mistake of actually committing through marriage to a woman yet is no longer a part of her family, if he fails to financially support and care for her he is placed inside of a jail cage. Women have no concept of Independence. Remember, marriage is an obligation from a man to a woman, women have no obligations during or after marriage, women have what they call "choices".

I don't blame them for what they are but by no means should women have such gender secular representation in government. By no means should women EVER be given control over the distribution of resources. We have all been witness to their insatiable nature when they are given authority over such things. Believe me when I tell you that she will not stop this. Again, it is her nature.

Women are not and will never be the bread and butter of a nations productive capacity. If we believe the lies and manipulation of women and their leaders, they will destroy us.

Remember that women have an incredible ability to manipulate or illicit desired responses from others, especially men. They can even obfuscate their own prosperity and make it appear as oppression. Remember, women and their leaders DO NOT believe in equal representation by gender, race or religion under law as our founding principals are built upon.


Anonymous said...

Yes-their obsession with their own needs precludes any right to lead or indeed receive any beneficial treatment from men. If was possible to withdraw everything and leave them to it,just to see them face off what men do then perhaps some dawning of comprehension may occur.
All these years I thought they were normal-actually just self-obsessed,weak and dumb is the reality. Well no more favours,no more courtesy and no more help
They are the great mollycoddled , masquerading as the great oppressed

Anonymous said...

"You see, women are not so kind, not so protective or provisional to men. Women are more so a liability. Given proper agency women will actually consume male agency, not enable it.

We must remember that women do not and have never created sovereign territories and resources we call countries, men do. We must remember that women will not be so kind to us. We must remember that Women are incapable of devoting resources to males at all. We must remember females are ENTIRELY CONSUMMATE when it comes to material provision."


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