Friday, June 17, 2011

Young Men Give Us Hope For The Future: Video

Good thoughts......

1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Why-O-why R you scared of THEM? Why-O-why do you put BWEC? I'm NEVER scared of weee, mortal, human beings. Bill Gates? George Sorrows? Yawn. They'll croak, too, and they, too, shall be Divinely Judged. You're like a neutral martyr afraid of stepping on there toes. BWEC. Puh-leeze. Be BOLD!!! Be FEAR-LESS!!! Be a part of Christ, dude!!! Do you know how many people R sent to the Abyss o'Misery for timidity? You don't? Neither do I. But it's more than half. How could God not send'm when THEY lookit me in the grocery store, as I'm carrying my literal Holy Cross, and THEY give me these sideways glances, as if THEY wanna go, 'Tok2theHand'. Yeah. Whateva. I'm take'n a hike outta here, dude, at death's hour. Speek-up, sign thy name, or sign Jesus' Name... God bless you.